Member’s Benefit

Partnering with asset owners and buyers to enhance the midstream M&A process and value through expedited outsourced services & expanded markets for peripheral assets.

Return Capital
Return Capital

The MH platform allows owners to return capital to their bottom line by divesting underutilized assets.

Reduce Liability
Reduce Liability
  • Reduce OPEX and alleviate debt
  • Ever-changing regulatory compliance
  • Eliminate safety liabilities
  • Mitigate environmental risk
Stick To Your Core Business
Stick To Your Core Business
Owners are freed of underutilized or peripheral assets, allowing them to focus on core business and future growth initiatives
Mutually Beneficial Business Model
Mutually Beneficial Business Model

Buyers and Sellers are able to acquire or divest midstream assets relevant to their core business model

Process Enhancement
Process Enhancement
  • Increase market access with secure online listing platform providing continuous promotion of multiple assets simultaneously
  • Reduce delays in speed to market for unattended asset inventory optimization through MH member pre-qualification services
  • Centralize multiple owners’ assets on one platform to increase visibility among vetted, qualified members
Value Enhancement:
Value Enhancement:
  • Increase access to unrealized value through larger pre-qualified competitive capital markets
  • Reduce required internal focus and marketing spend